
Sustainable quality at Villa Stenberg

Saving an old house

For years, the old farmhouse had been abandoned, with potential buyers deterred by the amount of work needed to restore it. 

We were captivated by the property's striking architecture, vast land, and shoreline, and determined to bring it back to life.

We've since refurbished it with top-notch materials and salvaged as much as we could from the original estate.

Preserving the nature

The Villa is situated between a hill and a lake, and the former owners had sold off the trees from the hill for logs. This led to the hill being devoid of large trees and covered with branches and needles. As a result of this, no plants were able to grow as the carpet of needles was too dense. 

We have spent years collecting sticks and removing the needles, and now the hill is flourishing with trees, shrubs, and wildflowers.

Saving Water

Villa Stenberg has only a few flowers that need to be watered. Our landscape plan is directed towards creating a visually attractive environment with plants that can make do with just the rain. We favor meadows and forests over grassy lawns.

The cottage next to the Villa lacks plumbing, therefore a rainwater tank provides water for the outhouse. The eco-friendly, scentless composting outhouse is ideal for the environment.

Villa's hot tub has been filled with water from a well, and the Beach House hot tub has been filled with lake water. Since we refrain from using chemicals, the water can be given back to nature.

Saving energy

Villa Stenberg has been taking advantage of geothermal heating since 2013 in order to lower its carbon footprint.

Houses that are well-insulated are cozy all year and also use less energy. We decided to line the walls with Finnish thermal insulation that is carbon-neutral and made of natural substances.

We have chosen to limit the environmental effects of our hot tubs by heating them only when they are in use, rather than maintaining them warm constantly. Additionally, we use only well-insulated hot tub models and use wood as the heat source.

Sustainable choices in building and furnishing

During the building process, we procured nearly all of the timber we needed from our own woodland. We cut the wood at our facility and let it air-dry in the fields, which was laborious but beneficial to the environment.

We've been sorting through the artifacts from the old farmhouse for years, salvaging the items we thought might be useful and recycling the rest. We now have an assortment of "this and that". In 2023, the hay poles that had been stored away were finally used in the construction of the pagoda, serving as the pillars that hold up the roof.

Each year, hosting hundreds of guests is a strain on the inside and outside of the buildings. To guarantee the excellence our customers anticipate, we carefully examine the durability of each item we purchase and try to make them last as long as possible, from kitchenware to furniture and carpets.

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